21 July 2006

A little flood, anyone?

Our usually calm trickle-creek took over the world this afternoon. I can't really say we had rain - it was more like Niagara Falls decided to go on vacation and was passing through our town on the way to DC or something.

The pictures are a little foggy, as I had the camera under a gallon size baggie to keep it dry (it was still pouring out). Thankfully, the creek is at the lower edge of our property. We got some water in the basement but the houses down the hill from us were much worse off. Also, for some magic reason, we're the only house in the road with power. Chris thinks they're afraid I might rewire something if our power goes off. Go figure!


Anonymous said...

I didn't even know you had a creek!

Of course, I'm regularly surprised that I actually know people with "property".

karen said...

There's a drop-off in the woods behind the dragon and the creek's at the bottom of the drop-off. It runs along the edge of our yard, going under the road on the non-driveway side of the house. Normally, it's not that exciting...more of a wet gully than something you could put a raft in.

Fraukow said...

Um, what dragon?

Ginger Johnson said...

You have dragons??!!? And we only have ticks...

karen said...

The dragon is the enormous dead tree in the woods behind our house. The kids like to slay it - makes a great game to play with the wooden swords and shields we get from ren faires!


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