22 August 2007

Class of 1987

We went to Chris' twentieth high school reunion a few weeks ago. We're still in regular contact with a few people he graduated with, like Bibliofilly, but it was great to see some friends we hadn't seen since his 10th. Here's a shot of the gang who managed to figure out which "big tree" in the Fireman's Field Chris meant for everyone to meet under:

They look pretty good!


Chaotic Joy said...

Wow, I guess some people actually do go to their highschool reunions. I just imagined everyone tried to avoid people they knew in highschool...like me.

Yep, they look great!

So how was WTHS???? I need dirt woman! Make me jealous.

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of h.s. reunions. So glad you had a great time!

karen said...

I'm a big fan of Chris' reunions! My own aren't nearly as much fun. The town he grew up in throws what's known as the "Attitude Adjustment Party" annually. It's held in the Fireman's Field and is open to everyone. Thousands of people show up! They have a big board in the beer tent where people can sign in under their class year. Several hundred graduates from 1930 - 1950 came this year (many still live in town), and later classes were also pretty well represented. Over half of Chris' year came. It was fun.


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